
518 Words2 Pages

Basis for my ethical and moral decisions involves four areas. The first area is the family enviroment influences. I was fortunate to be raised by parents, grand parents, and great grandparents. Every individual involved in my childhood taught me right from wrong. I also witness individuals have moral delimemas when making decision in order to keep the peace. I learned somethings are best left unsaid. I was the type of child who would be seen and not heard. This allowed me to learn and question decisions I perhaps would have to make as an adult someday. The second area is my up bringing. I was taught cares for a lier or mean individuals. It is morally right to be honest no matter the situation. A lie has to remembered just in case the topic come up again. I would have to live with the cloud of being dishonest. I was also told as a child I was not allowed to question an adult. I learned sometimes it is not your place to be involved in certain situations. I need to think before reacting or involving myself. The third area is my religion teachings from childhood to adul...

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