children learn best by observing the behavior of adults, agree or not

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Observation is a powerful learning tool to the children. However, theories argue that it is not the best learning method to develop children cognitive skills. Moreover, observing the poor role model cause children to exhibit the negative behavior. Beside, involvement from adult is needed to encourage children display the desirable behavior. Supporters of observational learning argue that learning by observing the behavior of adults is the best way for children as it is effective and well proven. They say that there is no need for self-action or active engagement in task. These self-action and active engagements will hurt or harm children with negative or bad experience. The negative experience will make them reluctant to do the same things in future. There is evidence that children learn a lot of moral values and positive attributes by observing behavior of adults. We must admit it. However, there is concern among researchers and educators that if children likely to copy adults’ behavior, it means that they have tendency to copy the negative behavior of people close to them or peopl...

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