Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

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zombie apocalypse It is very possible that this may happen, there are several researches and people who give their opinions have investigated about a situation that not everyone is very sure that it can happen in reality but still nothing is lost investigating and being increasingly soaked of this issue or situation that may possibly occur in the future, It is really suppose to happen even the people on internet have some evidence about that topic including pictures or videos (maybe can be real or maybe can be a photoshop), has been investigated and this proves that this situation can be a real case. In fact we all know that there are people in this world who may be able to eat human flesh, every case that can be seen in the news of a group of people who attack others in order to kill them and then eat their meat and put them to freeze.With the times have emerged different diseases that attack animals which cause them to be born in zombies, there is also a bacterium which attacks the human brain and can make you act in a violent way or make you act without your own knowledge. On the subject of the undead or zombies many people interested in topics such as these investigate near each cause or reason for this situation may happen, these people who …show more content…

As one of the real gauzes that Dr. Dickinson has analyzed and says that they can occur are the cases corresponding to the case of the carpenter ant which is controlled by the parasite Ophiocordyceps this parasite is a strong that causes the ant to die within 3 weeks, the parasite causes the ant to wobble and fall off its

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