Zoe Sugg Girl Online Sparknotes

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Girl Online is a novel by Zoe Sugg about Penny Porter, a British teenager who is trying to make her way through high school. She copes by creating an anonymous blog under the name “Girl Online” where she feels she can say what she really means without being judged. “You know when you shake a Coke can and then you open it and it explodes everywhere? Well, that’s how I feel right now. I have so many things I want to say fizzing up inside of me, but I don’t have the confidence to say them out loud.” ( Zoe Sugg, Girl Online Ch. 1 Pg. 1 ) She feels as if she has these words bottled up inside of her and her blog is where she can write them without a worry. After a couple of troubles in Penny’s life, everything gets turned around when her mom gets …show more content…

Penny has a school friend called Meghan, although she isn’t much of a friend at all. Meghan is never happy for Penny and tries to make every conversation about herself. Even when Penny opens up about her anxiety to Meghan, she acts like its nothing and Penny’s problems don’t matter. But their relationship hasn’t always been this way, they used to hang out all the time and get along perfectly. That is why Penny is so confused. She doesn’t know what has gone wrong with their friendship and is taken aback when Meghan posts a humiliating video of her for the world to see. When Penny decides to write a blog post about it she writes, “But then I wondered if sometimes our friendships are a bit like clothes and when they start feeling uncomfortable it’s not because we’ve done anything wrong. It just means that we’ve outgrown them.” (Girl Online Ch. 8 Pg. 67) Penny’s true best friend is Elliot, her next door neighbor. They are the greatest of friends and are always together outside of school. Elliot even helps Penny with her anxiety as much as he can. They tell each other everything but their friendship is challenged on their trip to New York. Elliot has close minded parents who are always fighting, so the trip is a getaway for him. For most of the vacation, Elliot is sightseeing with Penny’s dad while Penny is helping her mother. While Elliot is out, Penny meets Noah and begins to spend most of her time with him. She even writes a blog post about how Noah helped her with her anxiety which makes Elliot very envious. They have one big fight before Elliot’s parents force him to come back home for Christmas while Penny stays in New York. Their friendship is put to the test during a long period of not talking but once Penny returns home she apologizes for neglecting him. Elliot then realizes that he should have been happier for his best friend and they rekindle their

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