Youtube Controversy

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Speaking in front of an audience of even just 15 people is already unnerving enough for some of us. Having to do anything in front of a crowd personally gives me the jitters. However, what can be really self dissatisfying is wanting to share something, but letting that lack of confidence get in the way. This is where YouTube conducively takes its part. It takes the pressure off of having a crowd staring at you, but still having an audience. Along with its many advantages, such as socializing, visuals, networking, and making an actual living, YouTube is foremost an outlet of self expression for many. To begin with, I could say that YouTube has personally changed my life. To some, that might sound a bit strange because there are a lot of people …show more content…

According to Tazbir, “approximately 65 percent of the population” are visual learners. Consequently, watching YouTube videos is a great advantage to that 65 percent, including myself. Having that visual appeal really aids the mind to easily remembering things. Aside from the academical fragment of the visuals of YouTube, watching a video and acknowledging the fact that the content creators really took their time to form and edit a video is extremely pleasing. With the endless tools of editing and effects, there are tons of ways to be creative. With all this being said, it is obvious that being creative through YouTube not only works as a tool of teaching but also for recreational …show more content…

Sharing videos create connection and networking. When you share a YouTube video, you’re giving other people the opportunity to participate in the YouTube community. By people giving video responses, liking, commenting, and continuing to share the videos, that is a form of networking. According to Patricia Lange, “ practices helped create new connections and develop social networks,” (367). YouTube is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family by making, saving, and having access to the videos. As for “fans,” being able to like, comment, and share gives the YouTuber an opportunity to make a living of their content making. An equally significant aspect of YouTube would be careers. The saying “Do what you love and love what you do,” comes to mind. Clearly, most of these “famous YouTubers” weren’t exactly expecting all this attention and recognition because they were just doing something that they love. It’s a long term dream for many to be successful in doing the things they love. In a Forbes article written by Erica Dhawan, she speaks of a fellow YouTuber named Zoe Sugg, who I happen to watch and I’ve proudly witnessed her grow in the YouTube community throughout the years. Dhawan

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