Your Earliest Recollection

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1. What is your earliest recollection of your own clothing? Do you remember a specific item of clothing, or a general awareness of clothing? Was there a specific activity or event associated with your earliest clothing recollection? My earliest recollection of my own clothing was wearing dresses all the time. A specific dress that I remember was the one I had when I was very young. My mother put me in a tap dancing class and I loved the little tutu dress they made us wear in one of the concerts. Therefore, tap dancing is definitely a specific activity that is associated with my earliest clothing recollection. Please describe the item and what you remember about it, including activities and events. Include your age in the description. We had this little white dress with a white tutu and red hearts all over it and I was OBSESSED with it. I wore it during the concert while tap dancing to the song, “How Much is That Doggie in the Window” by Patti Page. Even after the concert I wore the dress all around the house dancing in it. I loved that little dress so much and wore it until I grew so big I put a hole in the armpit of it. I just really liked the way it fit and the colors of it. It made me feel like a little fairy princess I guess which makes sense sine I was six years old. I even remember wearing it when my older …show more content…

The reason being that she has a very different and spunky style that always catches my eye. She is a trend setter and a successful business women and she’s my age! Although, she was born into fame and money so of course she’s successful. The role of dress in my perception and emulation goals is to feel comfortable in what I’m wearing, but also look different and spunky like Kylie is. She has a distinct look to her that anyone would notice which is another goal of mine to have. I strive to have a signature look but I still think that I am searching for

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