Yonkers All City Scholarship Foundation Research Paper

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May 1st- Yonkers All City Scholarship Foundation $12,500, 250 words about Who’s your Hero, why? Daniel Deleon has remained my best friend and personal hero since the seventh grade. We’ve been through thick and thin, making sure no matter how far or how busy we are. We would always be time to spend time or at least play a few video games together. Despite that, it wasn’t until high school he became someone I looked up too. We both went down our paths: I went to Saunders, and he managed to earn himself a full ride to Rye Country Day High School. At first, I was thrilled for him, acquiring one of only four seats in the school. In spite of all that joy, it left me lonely, separating from my friend for my inability to produce results in my grades. Rather than sulking, however, I kept in contact with Dan. Where he'd would recount about all these geniuses that were going to his school and how he nevertheless managed to stay on top. I knew it was too late to transfer so instead I set Dan as a goal. I would study and keep on top of my grades so when I completed high school I could stand next to him, not …show more content…

To reassure me they did say it starts off with loans, then work-study, and lastly the Tandon Scholarship. I completely understood as to why this was happening. However, my scholarships at the moment will not pay me per semester but all at once. This issue places me at risk of either losing money or earning none at all. Which is why I came to this conclusion, continue working on more scholarships. Earn as much as I can do so that the cost will roll over and help out with increasing cost per year. Even if this money goes to a few textbooks, in the long run, it's worth writing this now. Of course yes, other people are looking for the same thing I am this debt-free option. That’s why I need to work harder and earn it. By standing out as much as possible to make this

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