Written By Anne Connie Stuksrud's Secrets In The Fire

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‘Secrets in the Fire’ written by Henning Mankell and translated by Anne Connie Stuksrud, is a heartfelt novel based on the true story of an indomitable young girl Sofia, living within war-torn Mozambique. It was an old woman from her village who originally taught Sofia about the secrets in the fire, deeply within the dancing flames forthcoming events are foreseen. However, not even the village’s wise women, Muazena, was aware of the horrors which the fire revealed to her. In her extensive journey towards rebuilding her life, Sofia must resort to maturing promptly to overcome multiple adversities such as losing her sister and both her legs in the same tragic incident. Along the way, Sofia treasures opportunities through education and learning …show more content…

Eager to learn the aspect of reading, writing and achieving basic sums whilst attending an education program, thrills both young girl. When Sofia's birth place was destroyed by The Bandits, resulting in the death of her father Hapakatanda, Muazena and additional relatives, Sofia with her remaining family whom survived the ambush were forced to flee to a new, unharmed township. As their hometown was lacking educational curriculums, Sofia and Maria were initially committed to working in the fields to obtain money for their family. As they become aware of school being for only 3 hours in the afternoon, they convince their mother, Lydia, to approve their wishes of attending school by stating ‘The white priest wants all children to go to school-maybe we should obey him.’ (pg. 37) Agreeing they would continue to labor within the fields, Lydia respects the ‘white peoples’ requests and admire her daughters’ optimistic desires to overcome the loss of their father. The night following her first day of school, it becomes evident that Sofia was cheerful towards attending school, it inspired her confidence. ‘She sat and stared into the fire. Sofia believed that the day ahead of her would be right. And she was looking forward to it’. (pg. 41) Even though their school was unable to afford; books, paper, pens or chalk for the blackboard, Sofia sustained a positive attitude and enthusiasm gained from education to overcome the fearful thought of the new village and cope with the loss of loved

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