Writing 5 Paragraph Analysis

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There is an epidemic occurring among the high school students of America. Students are not being taught the necessary skills in high school to effective produce collegiate level papers. As the class of 2015 moves into college this month, students of the class of 2016 need to be warned: they are not being taught what they need to know to be successful in their writing careers. Although educators are teaching what is required by law for them to teach, educators need to step up their game and actually teach students how to write a paper. No more five paragraph essays. No more writing checklists. These primary school methods do not successfully transfer to higher level education. Please give writing in the high schools a face life. Students need more hands on activities and personalized writing classes. Students are graduating without the necessary skills to properly and effectively transfer their thoughts to paper. Without the ability to accurately allocate information from mind to print, students are going to fail. Educators need to give high school …show more content…

Although this writing can be successful, it lacks depth and does not allow creativity to flourish. It is difficult to write a five or six page paper when a student is limited with only five paragraphs. Students regurgitate information spoon-fed to them by their teachers and that teacher has to read at least twenty copies of essentially the same paper. What are we going to do about this epidemic? I will not hesitate to go against the norm to help our future generations in increasing their writing abilities and skills. Feeling unprepared in my introductory level college composition course is not acceptable and changes need to be made for the classes making their ways to college next

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