Write An Essay On The Road In The 1970's

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“SUNNY DRIVE FASTER!”, I screamed. Who in their right mind would ever drive at such a slow pace when there is a car tailgating you with people wearing joker masks inside? I mean sure, the road is slippery but that is still no reason to go less than twenty five miles per hour. It had been almost ten minutes since our first encounter with these strange people. But thinking about it, no prankster would ever go this far to prank someone. About seven miles out of the city where the road is curvy, dark and narrow, we were being chased with no help, whatsoever.
It was a chilly early March evening early on during the year. There wasn’t much going on in terms of events or activities that night with the exception of a group of guys who were about to …show more content…

In the 1970’s there used to be an old schoolhouse up there with around 20-30 kids. This part of Evergreen had not been yet developed so the school was deep in the backcountry. One day, the teacher came to her class mentally disturbed and out of insanity, hung each and every single one of her students and herself after the fact. The school was shut down and fenced off to the public afterwards. Pretty scary huh? Just wait until I tell you what happens on that road today. Drivers going down there at night will reportedly see a little boy maybe eight or nine years old randomly just standing amongst the trees a little bit off the road and when approached he disappears. There have also been reports of the school teacher just walking down the road in front of the car and when approached she says in a demonic voice, “ Get out of my woods!” Now the school teacher part I’d have to call BS on because I’m pretty sure in the four times I’ve gone down the road that has never happened. Also, if you were to pull over and turn off your headlights and turn them back on, you would see handprints appear on your car windows. Now that is seriously freaky! The final part to the legend is that a mysterious man in a white truck chases you off if you come too close to the schoolhouse gate. I personally have not seen the white truck during my times down the road but I have seen …show more content…

I nervously said to the rest of my friends, “ Alright, I think we should get back to the car.” Everyone seemed to be on the same page as me and ran to the car and slammed the doors shut the moment we saw four people step out of the new vehicle. The four people had these terrifying joker masks on and these lantern-like camping flashlights. They ran up to the car we were in and began to attempt to open the doors. Unfortunately, Sunny’s door was still ajar because he was the last person into the car and he was struggling to get the man with the mask to close his door. Meanwhile in the back passenger seats, Rishabh and Preet threw their sodas at the other two men’s faces which led them to stagger backwards as Preet was able to close the door. We were all screaming at Sunny to start the car and start driving as the other car had already driven off. What reliable people huh! We had the head start on them as we had began to drive slowly down the very slippery road back towards civilization. Adrenaline was coursing through our veins as we were still in shock as to what happened and were trying to make sense of what had just happened. We were all yelling at Sunny to go faster because he was driving really slow for some reason but he just told us to calm down and let him drive. The fear however came to life when we saw bright yellow headlights come up behind us maybe fifty feet or so behind us. We sped up for a good ten minutes after

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