Write An Essay On Paulette And Domestic Abuse

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If you had asked Paulette what she would be doing in twenty years, helping gang members and domestic abuse victims would not have been her answer. Her story starts over seventeen years ago as an American Sign Language Interpreter in an area school where gang-related crimes were a common aspect of life. In her short time there, the situations she was exposed to started a passion that would live on today. She began helping kids that needed simple things like rides home and meals and it progressed to her starting an organization called Urban Success Mentoring. For the next seventeen years, Paulette and her parents worked with gang members in an attempt to bring peace to areas of Cincinnati and help those in the gangs stay out of the prison system. However, her methods are anything but ordinary. There is no textbook or guide on how to handle situations that Paulette puts herself into. With minimum training, Paulette is able to handle situations in a way that provides results in a different way than what officials would normally get. …show more content…

In total, only twenty people make up her team. Urban Success now includes other specialty areas like help for the homeless and a crisis team for domestic abuse victims. According to Ohio Attorney General’s website, there are over 72,000 reports of domestic violence within the Ohio border. Urban Success not only helps to remove the abused victims from their home in a way that they feel comfortable in but they also provide assistance to the victims. Using a holistic approach, they help from everything from replacing documents left behind to providing protection for the victims during the time of their court appointments. The DREEMM Program is aimed to help the victims not only get back on their feet but also to make them feel safe in this new life that they are about to

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