Wrench Llc Case Summary

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The issue here is about the copyright use of an intangible idea that was also in some tangible forms and what is all covered in the copyright law. Are the plaintiff’s ideas being copyrighted by Taco Bell, after the breach of an implied-in-fact contract? Within the copyright laws, can the plaintiff’s claim be valid? Why weren’t some of Wrench’s claims preempted under the federal copyright law? For this case, what is protected under copyright law and why are some of the appellant’s claims not preempted by federal copyright law? Also, which claims were not preempted? Wrench LLC, the plaintiff, and Taco Bell Corp, the defendant, had an implied contract when it came to the use of the plaintiff’s ideas. Wrench sues on the fact of claiming …show more content…

The case was brought up by the plaintiff, Wrench LLC. The appellants were two Michigan men named Thomas Rinks and Joseph Shields, who made a cartoon character “Psycho Chihuahua”, that character was then marketed, promoted, as well as licensed by their company Wrench LLC. Wrench LLC was a completely Michigan owned company with limited liability. The defendants in the case were the well-known company Taco Bell, stationed in California. Wrench had worked on marketing their feisty Chihuahua to Taco Bell in hopes that they would use it in their brand and be the face of Taco …show more content…

Wrench sent back many forms of marketing strategies back to Alfaro. By that action, the use of the Chihuahua in alliance with Taco Bell went from intangible to tangible forms. However, because Alfaro was not part of the marketing team, he had to go through many hoops. Those hoops involved trying to achieve endorsements from the higher up executives first that wasn’t in marketing, and then getting marketing to like the idea later. Once he had accomplished his promotion to non-marketing members, he talked to the vice president of brand management and the person in charge of outside advertising agency. Alfaro also did focus groups to obtain the reactions that such a campaign with the work that Rink and Shield sent

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