Stalin's Reign: The Ukrainian Tragedy

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The Wrath of Stalin “Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.” (Joseph Stalin). This quote accurately represents Stalin’s stance as the ruler of the Soviet Union. Millions of Ukrainians died due to the cruelty of this one man. In 1917, Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne and was replaced by a provisional government. Ukraine decided to take advantage of the new government's weakness by demanding its freedom, and temporarily obtained it. Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik party, created a temporary force to help him overcome the provisional government. This group, known as the Cheka, was Russia’s first major secret police and infiltrated the various governmental buildings and historical landmarks of Russia. Through use of the Cheka, Lenin was able to obtain control with minimal bloodshed. …show more content…

Stalin implemented new policies such as the Five Year Plan and collectivization. He knowingly made impossibly high quotas on wheat for the Ukrainians, which was then sold on global markets at extremely low prices. These prices were so low that it even harmed the Canadian economy as they couldn’t match the Soviets’ prices. Each year the quota for wheat would increase. Eventually the Soviet Union had so much grain that it was impossible to export it all. The surplus was invested into alcohol production or left to rot in warehouses. In addition to Stalin’s new policies, he also began murdering Ukraine citizens. This genocide is now known as Holodomor. He originally targeted Kulaks, or any peasant who owned a large farm and could afford to hire workers. Once the Kulaks were killed Ukraine was turned into a large Gulag, or a place where people were forced to work themselves to death. In June 1933, as many as 30,000 people were dying daily. Approximately 12 million people were killed in the Gulags. These actions are collectively known as Stalin’s Five Year Plan, also known as the modernization of the Soviet

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