Worldview Essay Examples

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While some beliefs in my worldview have been taken from my experiences meeting people, traveling abroad, and trying new things, many beliefs and values that shape my worldview have been instilled in me since my childhood. If I had to identify the most essential values and beliefs which shape my worldview, they would be karma, acceptance, and a connection to my heritage. Growing up in a Hindu household, I was exposed to the idea of karma at a very young age. It has always been an inherited belief for me. When I was introduced to this concept, I was told that every action has a reaction, and that if I was not a good person in this life, I would be unhappy and unsuccessful in my next life. While I do not believe in reincarnation anymore, I have carried the concept of karma with me since I was young. My belief in karma has shaped my worldview because it controls how I react to my environment. Whenever I am presented with a problem, like most people, I always try to look at how I can take the action that has the most positive or beneficial reaction. When I am presented with opportunities to make moral judgements about decisions, practices, or people, I try to look at the benefits or negative effects of the …show more content…

If most of the students in the class are like myself, and are very excited to learn about the various global and public health issues facing the world, the word “grapple” makes our learning sound more like an obligatory activity, rather than a fascinating one. I think that the sentence should be changed to “while also being challenged to increase the understanding of complex and diverse global and public health issues.” Also, this statement mentions nothing about how the course also brings awareness to many serious public and global health issues. Because of this, I think that the statement should be amended to include something about increasing awareness of public and global health

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