World War 1 Dbq Analysis

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The outcome of World War I did not only affect Europe, but the entire world. Countries at peace with each other stood on opposite ends and fought against each other. One person lashes out, and everything comes tumbling down. Many people believe that the underlying cause of World War I is militarism and alliances. Although that is arguable, the most impactful cause was imperialism. Militarism had a good amount of impact on the war. Before the war started, each country had a good-sized army, along with a smaller navy. As time got closer to the war, each country had grown their army and some countries even had a large navy as well. Document C states that “By 1914 the Entente Powers could field 2.23 million men, Germany and Austria-Hungary 1.2 million” (Document C). Along with the great amount of troops, the chart shows that each country had gained a mass amount of armaments as the years went by. Because of all the people fighting in the war and all of the advanced weapons and technology used, it led to a lot more destruction and overall a longer war. Just like weapon production prior to WWI, WWII was very similar. The weapons used in WWII were more advanced, but production drastically rose before the war just like in WWI. …show more content…

The Triple Entente consisted of Great Britain, France, and Russia while the Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Italy was first part of the Triple Entente, but then they dropped out and joined the other side. This could’ve resulted in anger from some of the countries and led to the war. Also, in Document A, the map shows that the Central and Allied Powers are right up against each other which means there was no buffer in between the countries. Russia was right up against Germany and Austria-Hungary while France was also right up against Germany. That means that if one side got just a little mad with the other side, it wouldn’t be too hard to start a full blown

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