World Prayr Ohana Research Paper

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World Prayr founded and built upon the principle that we are all full-time ministers and servants of God. This belief led to the formation of a mission team, who serve not only those they encounter daily but beyond. They reach out to those who need to know that a radical love has come to unchain them and set them free to dance. By, doing this the World Prayr ohana is working to help others learn how to dive deeper into the gospel of grace. Serving both those in their perspective countries and connecting globally. They do this by using the tools and methods' God has made available to them. Doing this with the spirit that there is no one who has the greater privilege or ability. Working hard to remember and live the truth Paul expressed in 1 Corinthians 12:15-26. This is why they refer to themselves as shoe shiners. It is not about them being important, but pointing to the one who is (Philippians 2:9-11). …show more content…

Rather, it is a team of servants of the most High God, who have chosen to come together. To offer up their gifts, talents, and worship. They do not believe they are great, but that greatness is found in the one they offer these things up to. They work to help others discover that the final, ultimate and primary King has come (Mark 1:15). Now, the King calls all those that are His. So, they may find life by sacrificing whatever they count as gain (Philippians 3:7). Including having this life work to be menders, part of His kingdom team (Malachi 4:1-3; Ephesians 2:10). They believe the best way to do this is by being willing to shine the shoes of others (Philippians 2:4). They accept that their identities are not formed by what they do or what others think. Or, if they can claim some creed, so God will smile upon them. Instead, they know they are the bride of

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