Work On The Sabbath Day

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Jesus has broken the rule! Doing work on the Sabbath day is unlawful and wrong. Is the sabbath day not the day where we rest and reflect on our religion?
Jesus of Nazareth believes that good Jews need to realise that doing God’s work on Sabbath day is godly. On the six days which we work, we are allowed to work and help people, but on the Sabbath, must we let those in need of help suffer an extra day?
It is common knowledge that the Sabbath day is a day which we put down our tools and rest for the day. It is definitely not a day where we do any work, let alone healing people.
The latest news about Him comes only hours after Jesus was reprimanded for healing a woman on the Sabbath. He was only doing God’s work, he states and continues to call …show more content…

She was hunched over and was unable to stand up straight. It is well known in Jewish society that the Sabbath day is a day of rest and worship as God, on the seventh day, rested from creation.

Jesus stated that the crowd was being hypocritical. In other words, he said that having a pretence of godliness, they were far from being godly. They didn’t even understand what the true meaning of Sabbath was. All good Jews know that according to Exodus 20:8 the Sabbath is a holy day that is set aside for resting and worshipping. It was commanded by God on the seventh day. No work should be done at all on the Sabbath day.
Jesus went on to say that the Sabbath is a day of rest yet every Sabbath day they untie their ox or their donkey from the manger, and lead it away to give it water. In Jewish society it is seen as unlawful to do such thing as what Jesus did.
Jesus concluded the story by saying “a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be set free from this bondage on the Sabbath day?’’ Instantly after Jesus had said this he had put all of his opponents to shame. Soon the entire crowd was celebrating Jesus’ wonderful

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