Wonder By R. J Palacio Summary

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The Significance of the Auggie’s Astronaut Helmet In the story “Wonder” by R.J Palacio, Auggie Pullman the protagonist of the story was born with mandibulofacial dysostosis, this disease affects the development of bones and other facial tissues. Ever since he was little he has tried to hide his face from the public because people would stare at him and make little comments. One day a friend of his sister, gave him an astronaut helmet, and ever since August warned the helmet everywhere he would go to hide his appearance. The astronaut helmet is a symbol of Auggie’s own insecurity about the way he looks and feels about his deformity. “And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don't get stared at wherever they go.”Part I, Auggie thought that the only way he could be normal was to hide his appearance, everywhere he went he had it. “ I used to wear an astronaut helmet everywhere I went. To the playground. To the supermarket. To pick Via up from school. Even in the middle of summer”. (Part I, page 75) …show more content…

While us, the readers, see why Auggie wears his helmet and feels empathy for him, we also realize that the helmet was a way of avoiding to engage with the world, “Sometimes I wish I could still get away with wearing that old astronaut helmet I used to wear when I was little” Part I. However, after “losing” his helmet (we later know that his dad got rid of it), he realizes that he can go without it, and becomes more comfortable with his appearance and learns how to deal with responses of

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