Women's March Thesis

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When you look into the past you see that women did not have equal rights as men or even have rights in general at one point. Women were controlled by husbands, fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins, technically anyone who was of the male species was in control of women. Women did not even have the right to do whatever they pleased until 1848. They did not get to vote until the 1920, and in 1973 Roe v. Wade gave women the right for abortion, acting like if is a privilege for them to be able to decide what THEY want to do with THEIR BODY. That should be a RIGHT that every women/teenager should have all over the world, it should not be voted and based on the opinion of the male species that have no idea what it is like and will never know what it is like. The Women's March was held on January 21st, 2017 all over the world. Over 5 million people worldwide gathered together to protest for the rights of women as well as the protection of legislation and policies regarding human rights and other issues, including LGBTQ rights, freedom of religion, racial equality, immigration reform, the natural environment, healthcare reform, and workers' rights. They stood together in …show more content…

As well as Gloria Steinem, an American feminist writer and journalist for magazines in New York. Many of the speakers who participated in the march said some very important things that stuck out to me and a lot females. Like America Ferrera's speech who said "The president is not America, his cabinet is not America, congress is not America, we are America, and we are here to stay. We march today for our families and neighbors, for our future, for the causes clam and the causes that clam us. We march today for the moral core of this nation agents which our new president is waging a

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