Women Underrepresented In Canadian Politics

1938 Words4 Pages

In every population, women make up to half of every country in the world. However, only 22% of them are involved in National Parliament. There are 13 out of the 190 that have women as head of government (Prime Minister, or President) Only 19% of women are cabinet members, as well as only 15% are ambassadors to the United Nations. One can argue that over the past 100, women’s participation in politics has dramatically increased. But has it increased enough? or can it increase more? Are women given the same opportunities as men? According to Statistics Canada, in 2010, 17.2 million citizens are women which is a .4% above half, making women the larger number in gender in Canada. Over the past century, women gain in like expectancy has been more benefited than men’s. …show more content…

This paper will argue as to why women are an important aspect of politics, their importance in office, as well as how under-presented they are. Moreover, it will argue the different paths men and women take in order to work in office. Lastly, if there are any ways Canadians can encourage women to join politics.This paper will argue that women are underrepresented in Canadian politics because of the higher standards they are held to, how they are viewed by men and how the society views them if they are in charge, also because why women are not as respected as they should be and lastly, views on politics versus mens’ view on politics, as well as why women are important to politics ,and barriers. It will also argue that if women are supported and respected by men, that if more organizations like Equal Voice are implemented, and also if society treats women the same way it treats men, more women will be able to enter Canadian

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