Women Influences On Esperanza's The House On Mango Street

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Women Influences on Esperanza The House on Mango Street is the story of Esperanza, a young girl, who hopes to one day leave her small, crumbling house. Esperanza’s desire to be independent and find a way out of her poor neighborhood has her observing and learning from many female peers. Esperanza perceives and grasps from: Sally, who escapes an abusive father only to fall into the hands of an abusive husband; Rafaela, whose husband forces her to stay inside; and Minerva, whose husband keeps leaving. Sally is a companion of Esperanza who demonstrates that by relying on others, she faces one poor situation after another. Sally experiences trouble with herself when she wants more, but ends up with less. Her incident becomes evident when Esperanza tells Sally needs to take on her past when she speaks about being vigilant of herself and caring what others think. According to Esperanza, “You could go to sleep and wake up and never have to think who likes and doesn’t like you” (Cisneros 83). This quote conveys that even when Sally was young, she was dependent on others to care for her. Another example of Sally counting on others and winding in the same situation is when Sally wants to be free from her abusive …show more content…

Esperanza soon picks up that,“Minerva cries because her luck is unlucky. Every night and every day” (Cisneros 84). Esperanza realizes that Minerva has tried to make a life with her husband work, but life gave way on her. As the consequences are often unpleasant, Minerva experience has Esperanza wanting to choose a single life. For example, Esperanza states that, “She is always sad like a house on fire- always something wrong” (Cisneros 84). This shows that Minerva regrets her marriage because her husband always left her. After being continuously abandoned by her husband, she becomes emotionally weak. Seeing what happened to Minerva, she is determined to not let the same happen to

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