Women In The 1950's

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The 1950s advertisement for men's shoes depicts women on the same level of a mans shoe, which at the time was looked at as where she belongs, the advertisement uses a females submissiveness, loyalty, and inferiority to her husband to promote the masculinity of the product. The different versions of girlhood are created through advertisements. In the 1950’s, the advertisements used for promotion had one thing in common, they used a woman to sell their product. Not only did they use their bodies, but they used their inferiority. The 1950’s were a time where a women’s role in society was to be a housewife, which in basic terms meant being a servant cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. Women were given these basic roles because …show more content…

It was a mans world, meaning you had to be a man to be able to complete any strenuous activities. The advertisement presents the female with a loving gaze towards the shoe. The shoe represents man, and her loving gaze is really meant for her husband since she would not be able to call herself a wife without him. This is sending a message to young woman that they should always be loyal to their significant others because as long as they never disappoint their significant other, they will continue to be given the luxuries of being their wife. The woman's nakedness shows her loyalty and vulnerability because she is displaying all of herself to her husband, which plays into her submissiveness and …show more content…

She is showing him that he is the superior one in their relationship, while also showing that he can continue to walk all over her as much as he pleases. During the 1950s, the superior gender were males because they were looked as to be much stronger, smarter and powerful. The male gender placed these roles on themselves and gave the women the weaker positions because they were supposed to depend on them for everything. When the women were left to depend on the man, it intensified the man's power as well as uplifted his ego. Women had taken on the role of a house maid because they did the jobs of them, the only difference was that instead they had the title of a “wife”. This advertisement not only promotes the shoe product but it promotes a man's hierarchical status. Just like many of the other advertisements during the 1950s, women who stayed at home while their husbands worked were always portrayed as beautiful and skinny; their bodies were always used to sell products that targeted a male audience. This approach of depicting women as weak and pathetic has been used consecutively to promote and up their sales. . The industry that promotes things through advertisements use the same tactics to draw in a specific audience. Car advertisements are produced to attract men, but in order to attract them they use women to draw them in. Not just any woman, but a beautiful and greatly exposed one, have

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