Women In Emma Research Paper

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The quote "A single woman with a very narrow income must be a ridiculous, disagreeable old maid! the proper sport of boys and girls; but a single woman of good fortune is always respectable, and may be as sensible and pleasant as any body else!" embodies a central theme of wealth and its effect on marriage and status, especially in regards to women, throughout Emma. In the novel, a person's financial status greatly determines their social standing in a hierarchical society. Wealth and ancestry determine the way people are viewed and who they can marry. Emma illustrates the huge significance placed on social status in nineteenth century England. Even further, it demonstrates this sexist idea that women are inferior and dependent. Women could …show more content…

Obviously, America has come a long way in the women's rights movement. However, women are still not completely equal with men in how they are viewed and how they are paid. Usually a woman who is not married by her thirties or forties has negative assumptions and opinions made about her. People question why she isn't married and say her "internal clock is ticking", assuming every woman wants children. If she hasn't delayed marriage for a career or something establishing her financially, most people would assume she's unpleasant and men won't want her. In some other countries, women are still seen as inferior and are not allowed to do the things men are, such as show their faces in public. People are also more likely to marry those of their own social class. Most wealthy celebrities marry other wealthy celebrities, and if the woman makes more than the man, the media is sure to make a big deal about it and question whether the male feels "less masculine" because he isn't the primary breadwinner. And then most middle-class people marry middle-class people and so on and so forth because no one wants to be used for their money. To prove the other point, in a social experiment, a homeless man dressed in a suit asked for money and people gave it to him, but when he was dressed in old, dirty clothing, many people refused to even hear his question. To this

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