Winter's Bone Character Traits

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In the novel, Winter’s Bone by Daniel Woodrell, the character Teardrop is a raggedy, violent meth head. He initially poses as an antagonist in the novel due to the fear he brings upon Ree, although as the novel progresses, Teardrop evolves into the sole ally of Ree. In the novel, the character, Teardrop, develops into a character of care and trust, as he grows beyond his drug ridden life. Teardrop is not the most friendly of sights. His gruesome figure, scarred face, and violence present fear in the eyes of those interacting with him. When Ree initially comes for Teardrops help, she is frightened by the interaction, developing a sense of distrust towards teardrop, “Don’t you, nor nobody else, neither, ever go down around Hawkfall askin’ them …show more content…

We witness the development of his dying heart. Behind his rough exterior, Teardrop has a kind heart. Despite his dark past, deep down, he holds a bright beam of light in Ree. Teardrop holds a life of drugs, poverty, and darkness, although he recognizes the potential in Ree. He looks beyond the trouble she puts herself in. Teardrop, despite his concern and denial for Ree’s mission, makes it his duty to protect her and aid her throughout her journey. Even initially, when he threatens her, he still gave her $50 to assist. Near the end, Teardrop goes beyond just monetary assistance, but realizes that Ree needs his guidance emotionally. He decides to help her take on this improbable mission by taking her to his hotspots to find Jessup’s dead body, but its the confrontation after Ree is beat up when we truly see his once tainted heart shine through, “If she does wrong, you can put it on me,” as he put his faith into Ree, “This is a girl who ain’t goin’ to tell nobody nothin’.” (Woodrell 137). The manner that Teardrop defends and instills his faith in Ree demonstrates that Teardrop is not the tough guy we first were introduced to. He risks his own name and safety to ensure that Ree is not only safe but can continue the pursuit for her father. Teardrops actions do not demonstrate those of a man who does not care for his family but rather his actions demonstrate those of a true kind hearted

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