Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson

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Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson George Williard's decision to depart Winesburg in Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson is comparable to George Milton's decision to leave the ranch in Of Mice of Men by John Steinbeck. Several factors activate Williard and Milton to depart, and one reason is they both long for a more fulfilling life. Also the voiceless people around Williard and the vulgar people around Milton drives them away. Finally the death of Elizabeth Williard pushes George Williard all the way out of Winesburg, and the death of Lenny Small gives Milton a final reason to leave the ranch. First of all Williard and Milton long for a more fulfilling life and they realize their current homes will not supply a more fulfilling life. Anderson says, "In the first place he is capable of even more brutality than Seth because he is essentially a dreamer." From this it is understood that Anderson knew if Williard remained in Winesburg he would become a grotesque, but if Williard left and accomplished some of his dreams he would have a superior life. All Williard had to do wa...

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