Wine Monologue

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At 19, I thought I knew it all. Admitting I was confused, nervous and fearful didn't cross my mind, nor did confirming inabilities. Just like a vintage bottle of wine, I have greatly improved with age! Gone is the over-confidence and ridiculous sense of entitlement that defined my youth. Somewhere on the journey from bright-eyed to now, I realized learning is a process and involves small steps. When I began dating, it's certain anyone watching would have laughed themselves silly from seeing my incompetence. Luckily, with some practice, I've moved off the comedy shelves and improved enough to appear competent at best, mildly amusing at worst. I noticed a similar pattern emerge with wine. When starting to explore and serve it, the biggest, cheapest bottle with a screw-cap directed purchasing …show more content…

What is it that caught our attention? Remember the first time you tried a wine or saw a guy/gal across the bar? The tingly sensation experienced the first time I tried Riesling, is the same I got from mustering the courage to talk to the hottie I spotted across the room. The specific words to describe what caught your eye aren't important, it's all about jumping in and giving in to whatever you find yourself attracted to. Our intuition plays guide in choosing a bottle for the night or which direction to swipe on dating sights. The likelihood of meeting online, at a party, bar, or in school is high. With both wine and dating, the opportunity for introductions come from in-person moments, where engaging with new people open up a world of possibilities. Through the restaurant industry, products that I love, but never would have discovered alone at home, have been introduced to me. It builds a foundation for next time by exploring our preferences; red, white, bubbles or tall, short, out-going. It's all about playing around, sampling what's available and trusting your

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