Wilt Chamberlain Research Paper

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The Wilt Chamberlain example says that we have the right to pay Chamberlain out of our own pockets because it is our money and we can spend it on what we want. But that is too simple and narrow a view. Payment is not only the action of getting someone to do something, or making sure we have a fair trade, it is also a way of rewarding certain products or actions. It is not at all obvious that just because a group wants to pay for something they should be able to reward it.
Maybe it is not only Nozick’s rules of just transfer that matter when we are asking whether a trade is moral. Other rules of justice matter too; regardless of whether we all voluntarily pay our justly acquired income it is possible that we should not reward unjust actions. Reducing the complex issues of trade and acquisition to a few simple rules might be tempting, but it leaves out important pieces of the moral puzzle. For comparison to the Chamberlain example, imagine that 1 million people want to pay 25 cents to see dog fighting. It does not seem that it is acceptable to pay for dogfighting regardless of a lack of theft or fraud. Rewarding such behavior seems wrong.
Still, …show more content…

We are forced to choose whether it is more unjust to interfere with someone’s right to a just transfer of tickets or to allow dogfighting. Weighing these kinds of issues is incredibly complicated in part because the injustices will change by case. We have to think about the balance for each individual case and whether interfering or the consequence of not interfering is more unjust. Nozick seems to want to say that interfering is always unjust, but is it always more unjust than the consequence of not interfering? Clearly the answer is no, since we can interfere with one woman’s liberty to freely exchange her justly acquired money with a hitman in order to arrange a murder. The consequences of not interfering in this case are judged to be worse than the action of interfering with the woman’s

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