Willie Johnson Innocence Project: Case Study

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I am currently doing an internship with the local police department. I was had a broad selection of different areas I could work for under the local police department. I ultimately chose to work under a small Innocence Project. This team is with four other students and defense attorneys in the local area to look at other cases that were found guilty which they have been convicted of a crime they did not do. After looking at many different cases, we chose to look at one case in particular, his name is Willie Johnson. Willie was convicted at 18 years-old for raping a 16-year-old girl after a school dance. He was convicted over 15 years ago. Willie told the court that he was trying to break into the victim’s car to get a CD player that was out in the open, which explains why Willies fingerprints were all over the car door. Willie explained he left because there was a large man who was in a dark area. After …show more content…

This would be the best option and this would be a way that everything would be paid for. If that did not work, I would then claim that the eye witnesses were wrong. It is well known that eye witnesses rarely ever works and is often wrong. The Innocence Project website also states this. To add to that, the victim couldn’t even for sure say that it was Willie who raped her. It was also dark and Willie also stated there was another large man waiting in the shadows that spooked him. I would then demand for the court to pay for the DNA case because there is high chance that my client is innocent. I could never give my money for tuition to pay for the DNA test. I am not supposed to get personally involved with any cases. If I was to do this, it would be highly unprofessional. There are many ways to get the DNA test in alternative ways like listed above. It would then be up to a jury or the judge after hearing all the evidence, but paying for the DNA test myself would be crossing a

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