William Golding's View of Humanity

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William Golding's View of Humanity

Taking a post at the Maidstone Grammar School for boys and joining the

Royal Navy, gave Golding his understanding of boys and cynical view of

the war. William Golding says, "the theme (of the book) is an attempt

to trace back the defects of society to the defects of human

nature..." Golding's view of humanity is clearly displayed throughout

Lord of the Flies. Through the constant symbolism we are made aware of

Golding's pessimism towards society. As the book progresses he forms

an allegory between the island and the real world.

When the boys first arrive on the island they are full of enthusiasm

and are eager to begin a new, civilised society. We witness

immediately the voting in of Ralph as chief and the introduction of

rules, "we'll have rules!" The conch is discovered and instantly a

democratic society is established. As a result of this, assemblies

take place, issues are discussed and decisions are made. At this stage

there is a strong sense of order. The capability of the boys to

construct such a society is impressive and reflects a positive view of

humanity. The question of rescue is soon resolved with fire and the

choir is content with watching it and hunting. The impression Golding

gives is one of optimism and cheerfulness. The boys have come from a

civilised and cultured society and they are dedicated in ensuring the

same standard of living is present on the island.

In the midst of the excitement, there are evident indications of

friction beginning to emerge. Most threatening of all is head choirboy

Jack Merridew. Like Ralph he naturally possesses confidence and a

sense of authority...

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...represented goodness and order. Finally we watch as the

boy's pitiful fear, develops into the breakdown of the society. The

evilness of the beast was only a manifestation of the boy's fears

alone, so ultimately it was the boy's fears that led to the downfall

in their civilization. Like Golding said, the defects of society are

due to the defects in the human nature. From this statement we can

draw a parallel between the evil in the world and the essential flaws

within man. Therefore we can understand from the Lord of the Flies

that William Golding believes humanity to be completely defective. We

can gather that he considers even the traces of goodness and order

among humanity unable to stand against the wickedness and hostility of

man. Thus we can conclude that William Golding's view of humanity is

entirely pessimistic.

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