Why We Should Legalize Marijuana

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Legalize Marijuana Legalization of marijuana has been a hot yet controversial topic all around the world, and some European countries has legalized the personal or medical use of it, while in the USA, the war on legalizing marijuana has been long. Though the opposition is strong, the overwhelming victory has been gained as Colorado and Washington has fully legalized it. Now, over the half of the states have been considering the legalization of marijuana, although California Proposition 19 failed to gain fully support in 2009. I prefer the legalization of marijuana. Just like a coin has two sides, whether we should legalize marijuana is largely depends on the benefits it brings to our country. On the one hand, it is the public’s intention that the government should legalize marijuana. On the other hand, by now, marijuana is proved to be no more dangerous than smoking and alcohol, and it is the individual’s freedom to use it or not. It is also out of the respect to the basic human rights. Considering both the economic profits Our country has prohibited marijuana use since the 1930s, but the illegal use has never been cleared up. The prohibition of it has failed miserably. There are millions of regular drug smokers in the United States despite increasingly harsh laws, and “it's estimated that as many as 50 million may have tried pot - and those numbers are probably low since people tend to be less eager to admit to a practice that is so harshly punished” (G2, 2013 ). National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2011 reveals that large proportion of people from 12 to 60 has tried marijuana. The proportion is even higher in college students, among which one third of the interviewees confessed that they have tried marijuana in the past year. Gallup Poll in December 2013 shows that 58% Americans are supportive for marijuana legalization, while the number was 27% in

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