Why Water Is Salt By Asbjørnsen

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The world holds a humongous variety of amazing stories. The story of why the sky is blue, one with assorted variations recognize in every culture that has had some befitting with a blue sky. Norwegian fairy tales are not necessarily as Norwegian as personally might alike to believe. The story of “why the sea is salt", suspiciously about similar adventures, told in several of the world sea nations, as an explanation for the strange natural phenomenon that saltwater is. “Why the water is salt” written by Asbjørnsen and Moe in their Norwegian folktales collection. In this essay I ‘am going through the moral of the story and how it relates to the modern society today. In "Why the water is salt" tells the story of a poor man who has a rich and …show more content…

It’s in this kind of an environment, this adventure takes place. The surroundings are designed so that everything will seem more real and everyday events and tasks have much space in the story. Mostly live the poor brother a normal farmer’s life with haymaking. Still of course, relating to the supernatural and wonderful happening. How the quern is able to conjure up anything you can imagine, it's no wonder life turned upside down. That the poor brother went to hell on one Christmas Eve awakens little attention. On the other hand, then the writers never claimed to be believed. It’s like for Christmas Eve for many of us when individually were younger, asking our parents for a Christmas gift and they always delivered. It feels like our own kind of quern …show more content…

The wise, loyal and friendly, though oh so poor brother is the one with the lure decisions are the winning party in brother - brother conflict. He is what the reader takes part and identify with. It is he who is left with all the profits, while both the evil brother and the thoughtless skipper lose everything they have. It should be noted that much of the poor brother profits, due to others stupidity and poor operating. He utilizes cynical ignorance of others to their own advantage. Set of current moral spectacles, this reprehensible. Nevertheless, its justified fully in the adventure of the stupidity of the counterparts, which are vengeful, greedy and arrogant. The mission statement is such obvious: Greed and hostility pays rare, while goodness and wisdom is the right way to adopt greater situations (although the goal is to self-adulation themselves, and not to unconditionally be kind and valuable without ulterior motives.) And stupid and ignorant people who have shorter range than considering their own cheat shafts, ports easily in impasse. This is part of our life now today. How far will it get you if you keep being

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