Why Was Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points Important

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On November 11, 1918 World War 1 ended. The President of the USA at the time Woodrow Wilson had made a document called the 14 points. The 14 points were made to promote peace and make World War 1 the war to end all wars. The 14 points are all about making countries independent and shrinking everyone's armies and the League of Nations would be formed. Wilson was putting everyone's national interest above his. He wanted a clean slate that helped make the world a peaceful place. Most of the world leaders did not want peace without reparations from Germany. Most of the allied leaders thought the Wilson was to bold and that the world would never be able to come to full peace. Wilson's 14 points as it would become was not implemented except for a few including the League of Nations. Wilson would also go on to win a nobel peace prize for his efforts. …show more content…

Then the other allies said they wanted to get reparations for the damaged Germany caused to them. Then in the spring of 1919 at the paris peace conference the Big 4 David Lloyd George of Britain, Georges Clemenceau from France, Woodrow Wilson from the USA, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy. None of the nations that lost the war had no say in shaping the treaty. A lot of reparations went into the treaty against germany. Germany protested all of these clauses because of their national interest. Since Germany had lost the war they had no say. The national interest of the allied powers and the big 4 overshadowed that of germany. Germany was set to pay up to 33 billion dollars. They did not want to have to pay and lose land. In the end Germany was forced to pay up and lost 10% of their land. Some of the most important clause were

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