Why The World Should Learn A Second Language

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In most areas, it is a requirement for middle schools and above to teach a second language. I think the whole world should learn English instead of the US learning a second language. Despite having most of us americans have to take courses on learning a second language. Some of the languages include, Spanish, German, French, or even Japanese. Teachers teach second languages to students in the US, I believe that everyone in the world should learn english because of money, school curriculum, and confusion. Though speaking in a second language is important, with everyone in the world learning different languages, it can become a little confusing. Imagine that you are visiting France, a great country, and happen to come across a point where you have to speak to someone, in French. With half of the world knowing English, and half that not, it is very confusing. If everyone speaks English, you can communicate with people around the world without having to focus on which of the many languages your speaking. Another reason why learning a second language is useless is that the amount of money put into the schools to learn a second language is unnecessary. 80 percent of kids in high school learn a second language, to later come across not using it in their life. This takes up a lot of money …show more content…

If people travel to other countries, while have taken a prior class before, they should be able to speak that language, right? Well, this is not always true. Students in high school are often taught on reading, writing, and conjugating verbs. They are not focused on communication, which is what we need in today’s world. If communication is the main conflict, and they are not teaching it, why bother even teaching it in the first place? This also ties to the previous reason, money. If kids won't use the foreign language to communicate in their life, then it is useless and a waste of money in the school’s

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