Why Standing Up For Others Are Important

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Why is standing up for others important? It is important because it helps people that are in trouble and cannot speak up for themselves. For example, sometimes when people get bullied, they are too scared to stand up for themselves, but if a friend comes along and stands up for that person it becomes better all around. Its worst when someone is being picked on and a by passer just walks by and lets it happen. Or is it wickedest when someone just does not care at all? Standing up for others is important because it helps society more than what people know, it helps the world by doing something right and not letting the haters get their way. To start off with, People are too scared to speak up for themselves. This is a terrible thing because they let bullies get their way and continue with what they are doing. People should stand up for these people and make it right. Standing up not only benefits the person someone is standing up for, but it benefits them as well. It boosts the person’s guts to speak to people in general. In 2018 kids get bullied or picked on a lot and people are sitting around and doing nothing about it! Stand up for the people who are getting picked on, it not only helps them, but it helps you. …show more content…

Sometimes people think that if they do not get involved, they are doing something right, but that is not true. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a famous black man who stood up for African American’s rights. He said a famous quote which is “The ultimate tragedy is not the operation and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people.” Which is translated to: The real problem is not by the bad people but by the good people who do not stand up for others. The problem is not always by the bad people, but by the nice people who think what they are doing is right when they are only making matters

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