Why Should College Students Sell Bottled Water?

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Bottled water is a big spender with the average bottle costing around two dollars. Many people go out and but bottled water every grocery trip, but is it worth spending all that money. Especially for college students since being in debt as it is. With new light colleges should no longer be compelled to sell bottled water on their campuses, because it will help prevent college students from wasting their money, help the environment, and bottled water doesn’t offer many health benefits if any. College students already have a lot of expenses and making bottled water as one of them is a terrible thing. The Water Project states “Over the last decade it has become a staple with the average American spending over $100 per year/per person.” College students are already …show more content…

“Making bottles to meet America’s demand for bottled water uses more than 17 million barrels of oil annually.” To dissipate that much oil every year on bottled water alone is a tragedy, because oil is a nonrenewable recourse that takes millions of years to make. If they didn’t sell bottled water on campus it would reduce the amount of bottled water being produced, which in return would lower the amount of oil being used. Bottled water also hurts wildlife, according to the website biologicaldiversity.org “Plastics pollution has a direct and deadly effect on wildlife. Thousands of …marine mammals are killed each year after ingesting plastic or getting entangled in it.” The essence of this statement is that water bottles do contribute to the deaths of species as well as endangered animals. If we stopped the sale of bottled water on campus it would reduce the amount of plastic waste that gets lost in the ocean or wildlife and less animals would die every year. So let’s not be selfish and get caught up in the greed of oneself and ban the selling of water bottles on campus to help protect the

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