Why Should Child Beauty Pageants Be Banned

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Child beauty pageants have become an increasingly controversial topic throughout the years. It is believed by most to be a form of child exploitation or even child abuse. Young children, starting at just a few years old, are paraded around stage dressed in provocative clothing and faces full of makeup. Children should grow up in an environment where tolerance and acceptance of everyone's differences is the overall attitude, not where competition, especially in the material things, is the driving force in their lives. Although it is true that child beauty pageants can help children gain confidence and social skills, they should be banned because of their impact on health and self-esteem, attraction of sexual predators, and outrageous costs. Child beauty pageants began to take their shape when John …show more content…

Beauty pageants teach important life skills, such as discipline and healthy competition. Willam J. Cromie, a journalist for Harward University Gazette, stated in his article “The Whys and Woes of Beauty Pageants”, that parents with high incomes and proper education cite that teaching their children to compete is the main reason for participating. In interviews, he discovered that most of the parents want their children to be involved in a professional career (“Debate”). Competition can teach children that even though they won’t always win, they should still strive to be the best they can be. Allie Richardson, a twelve-year-old beauty pageant participant, mentioned in an interview how she is able to bond with her peers, and even if her friends win she is still proud of them. She loves to win, but believes it’s not the most important aspect.(today.com) Her pageant experience has taught her how to be a humble winner and how to be a good sport when she loses. Child beauty pageants allow children to learn valuable life lessons early on, which will help nurture maturity and a sense of

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