Why Running Is Important To Me Research Paper

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I believe that running has been a gift to me. I sacrifice my body’s comfortability to the activity, and the merciful torture presents me with so much more. It provides me with a lucid state of mind. When some people run, they focus solely on the discomfort and fail to acknowledge the numerous benefits that running offers. If the world truly embraced the sublime activity, then it would be a much happier and healthier place. Every step that I have taken with every stride has molded me into the man that I am today. I come from a long family of runners. My father and uncles all took up the sport along with my grandfather and great uncles. It can be advantageous to have running in one’s genes, but genetics can not be even remotely relied on for one’s success in the sport. An entire lifestyle change needs to be underwent for someone to simply enter the sport Running has undoubtedly …show more content…

During the cold winter months, I often equip myself with bundles of clothing and step out into the refreshing air for a long jog. There is much contrast in my running from the season and from the off-season. During the season, I have a pace to hit and the constant pressure to keep improving, but during the off-season, I can enjoy a much more relaxed run. I use running as a reliever. Whenever I am overcome emotionally with stress or anger, or am going through a difficult hardship, I lace up my running shoes and set out for a protracted run. Something about the activity helps me cope and recover mentally. The trance that I enter on a long run is indescribable, but it refills my mind with contentment and allows me to keep moving forward. I am blessed that I have the physical capabilities to run because if I did not, I would have many times of tribulation with no way of ameliorating. I will use this form of coping with my problems for as long as I physically

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