Why Perseus Is A Hero

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Perseus was a hero in greek mythology, known for killing Medusa, the monster that could turn men to stone just by looking at them. He did this because he was on a quest rescue his mother from being married to an evil ruler named Polydectes. Perseus made a promise to kill Medusa and return to the wedding with Medusa's head and turn Polydectes to stone. Perseus received gifts from the god Hermes and the goddess Athena to help him on his way, the gifts being an invisible cap and a never ending wallet from Hermes, and a invincible shield and an invincible sword from Athena. Perseus eventually finds Medusa's lair through the help of the three blind women who share an eye and a tooth between them selves. Perseus cautiously sneaks up on Medusa while she's sleeping, and Perseus sees her in the reflection of his shield, and takes a big, heavy swing and swiftly cuts off Medusa's head. Medusa's Gorgon sisters wake up and chase …show more content…

He built up a lot of strength by working for his adoptive grandfather, which may have helped with the strength to cut her head off and hold the sword that Athena gave him. He also saved Princess Andromeda from being sacrificed to a sea dragon. He could've minded his own business, but he decided to be a hero and save her from getting eaten. People could have believed that Perseus was lucky because when he killed Medusa, she was sleeping and he caught her just as she woke up, possibly her being disoriented. He also had his invisible cap on. Also, it could have been chance that he found Princess Andromeda just as she was getting sacrificed. But when he returned to his mother's wedding, he could have caught Polydectes off guard. All in all, I think Perseus was both lucky and a hero at the same time, because he had the strength and courage to kill Medusa, and he saved Princess Andromeda from getting sacrificed. There's a valid argument from both standpoints, so both arguments are

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