Why People Have Accents

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Why do People have accents? How do people acquire these accents? Why do people judge others because of their accents? And how are those with accents treated differently because of their accents? In the past I have always thought that every different culture had their own accent. When I was younger I would watch youtube a channels called Ownage Prank which solely focused on accents and pranking others using these accents. Because of this youtube channel I learned to listen to the way people talk and how it differs from one person to another. I later learned that everyone has their own way of talking, which lead me to believe that everyone has their own accent. However, People with heavy accents are always mistreated in society, some are respected, others are hated, and the majority are misunderstood. As a result of this misunderstanding people with accents are treated differently by society. …show more content…

It is, therefore, impossible to speak without an accent. Some people may think they do not have an accent but they do. I did not realize I had an accent until my first day of college. My roommate told me that I had a really weird accent that he did not quite understand what to define it as. He said it sounded like a middle eastern accent which to me came to a surprise because he was able to know my origins from the way I talked. Accents are developed when people learn more than one language and mix traits from one to another. People acquire these accents by traveling and living in different societies. In an article online it states that "A region's geographic location also has a direct influence on the development of a local tongue," which similar to Americas society there are different accents for every location(Etter). For example, there are southern accents, New York City English, Mid-Atlantic English, and Great Lakes English all theses accents are located at one country with the same

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