Why Not To Go Back To School

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Education is extremely important to me. I have been fortunate enough to have positive experiences in school and the means to pursue higher education. However, some people didn’t have this option, felt it was unavailable to them, or just chose not to pursue it at the time. However, more and more people are deciding to go back to school. In fact, NBC states that in 2009, 40% of all graduates were 25 years old and over - 17% of those being 35 years old and over. Going back to school isn’t easy. The cost is an obvious concern, but so are the hours that may cut into the time one spends at work or with his or her kids.

I believe that these entanglements shouldn’t be the reason for someone to decide not to go back to school. That is why, for my volunteer project, I would love to start a program where we provide free babysitting for low-income families with a parent going back to school. This would alleviate the hidden cost of childcare for the instances when a parent must be absent for night classes or work, making it easier for them to obtain an education. …show more content…

Then, I would contact the local community colleges as well as news outlets informing them of our services. Our efforts would include creating flyers, designing a website, placing ads in the newspaper, and contacting the school radio station. Once the volunteer service is in action, I would assist by organizing our volunteers’ schedules and babysitting children

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