Why Is Volleyball A Dangerous Sport?

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Southwest is known for their volleyball, and the program will not keep growing with the broken ripped equipment Southwest has. Volleyball is an important sport to Southwest, Having a good volleyball team in a big attraction to people choosing schools. Volleyball is one of the biggest sports at Southwest, and without good equipment it is hard for players become a stronger team.
Volleyball can be a dangerous sport and can be more dangerous when you have to put up broken equipment.Volleyball is really the only sport where you have to set up before you can play so other sports do not really need equipment. equipment for volleyball has been used for years and getting very worn out. Putting up the nets get more and more dangerous every time.While tightening the nets it sometimes comes loose and the metal hook has almost hit people many times.The bottom of the poles pop out so when you put it down you have to put your hand under it till …show more content…

If the money is put into volleyball they will get most of the money back from fundraisers and people going to the games. It gives people a small community where you can be yourself and learn to depend on others and to have others depend on you. It gives students something to do in their free time so they are not either sitting around all day or doing bad things. It gives people the chance to meet others and to be social. It allows people to go somewhere and use their energy in a positive way. All the other sports already have good equipment. Volleyball is the only sport that has ripped and broken equipment.Volleyball helps with hand eye coordination and works different muscles on the body. Playing volleyball also helps with faster reflexes since the volleyball comes at you so fast.It lets people who are not super in shape slowly get in shape without it being too intense. Volleyball is a useful sport to have,but it also helps grow religion and

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