Why Is Sleep Important In Macbeth

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Sleep Sleep: n. The natural recurring condition of rest in animals. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, he employs the motif of sleep to symbolize Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s innocent and guilty consciousness. Macbeth is about a man who was admired greatly by the people of Scotland as well as the wife, Lady Macbeth. Things began to change when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth started to plot an assassination of Scotland's King, Duncan. This plot resulted in many sleepless nights for the two couple. In act 2 scene 1 of Macbeth, Macbeth is still plotting an assassination against the king, Duncan. Before he proceeds with the plot, Macbeth imagines a dagger floating right before his eyes. Macbeth quotes, “Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the ourtained sleep.” Macbeth explains how …show more content…

Macbeth explains to his wife, “Ere we will eat our meal in fear and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams.” Macbeth believes that there is something keeping him from sleeping: guilt. Macbeth blames Banquo for his sleepless nights, while Banquo sleeps peacefully in death. When Macbeth hires murderers to Assassinate Banquo and his son, he becomes more quilts. Thus resulting in more sleepless nights and hallucinations. Sleep is only for the clean and innocent people. Hence, Macbeth is in able to sleep due to his guilty conscience. Finally, in Act 5 Scene 1 sleep and insomnia is symbolic of Lady Macbeth's guilty conscience. In the act, Lady Macbeth is having sleepless nights and sleep walking. The doctor comments, “ this disease is beyond my practice; yet I have known these which have walked in their sleep who have died holily in their bed.” According to the doctor he cannot cure suck sickness. This disease is the un ease of Lady Macbeth's mind. Lady Macbeth is half sleeping, therefore, she is half guilty. Lady Macbeth's consciousness, she cannot bare the guilt she carries, so she commits

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