Why Is Medea Morally Wrong

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In this book there were extensive amounts of foul action displayed among the characters. All of it involved Medea. Medea was genuinely wrong in so many ways. She mistreated and killed her own children. This was done in retaliation for Jason’s unforgivable deed. Medea was morally wrong for her actions towards her children, however, Jason was the cause. Medea took the lives of two innocent souls because of a broken heart
Medea was betrayed by her husband with another woman, however, the children’s life’s should not have been taken. In the book the children weren’t in many scenes. They would be classified as nowhere to be found. The boys were in the house with the tutor and nurse the entire time. “Inside with you, children, it will be all right, into the house!” (ll. 89-90) That shows the children were completely innocent from start to finish. The children had little to no voice in this book, and barely had any screen time. They did no wrong. Medea wrongfully sacrificed her own children because of her hatred towards her husband Jason. Killing the children for revenge is inhuman. A mother …show more content…

She committed the murders of her children, because of Jason. Jason’s unfaithful ways caused her to become a mad woman and a murderer. Jason was unjust for sleeping with other women, simply because he was married. Jason disrespected Medea by lying with the princess as quoted in the text. “Jason has betrayed my lady and his own children for a princess bed...” (ll. 18-19). Subsequently, as a married man he should’ve respected Medea more; they both took an oath for their marriage. Therefore, Jason was wrong for breaking that sacred oath. He should not have caused Medea so much pain. He showed how heartless he really was. If Jason would’ve stayed true to Medea, their children wouldn’t have died so young. Jason heartless acts caused Medea to retaliate in unforgettable

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