Why Is It Good For Children To Have Screen Time Essay

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Children are our future and their children too; henceforth, it is vital that we care for and nuture our young so our posterity is not hindered from a progressive state of growth. We all want our children to do great things in the world and through several studies a child learns more under the pressure and life of the circumstances around them, as opposed to the circumstances portrayed to them through screen time. The many faucets of entertainment ranging from physical toys to worldwide connection and games are seemingly increasing as time moves on. For the sake of education children who form an addiction to screens makes learning outside and in the real world more difficult, for they most possibly will have withdraws. Starting your children young increases the …show more content…

Along with other side effects such as missleading information, forming biased opinions, and praising ideas and concepts of those who aren't truly making screen displays for education but for entertainment. Even still screen time can be good and used well for children, programs such as Khan Academy are helpful guides through subjects a kid might be struggling with. The contradiction of screen time is it needs to be monitered to an extent not of time but of content. It is imparative that parents support their children and guide them, so that even when they are not the main source of information they may still be morally helpfull guides. This said, limiting screen time is another factor which must be calculated depending on screen content. It is vital to limit screen time if a child gets taken into a subject not benifical to the persons life. Understanding the neccesities of human growth and information gathering are fundamental factors which play into the descisions made by guardians. In addition to these perspectives, a child deserves the physical freedom to roam, wander, and

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