Why Is Internet Censorship?

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Internet censorship is not just a one sided argument both sides have strong points to argue with. Those against censorship want others to believe that censoring the net is technically impossible. According to Hal Hodson, "in principle, it is impossible to monitor all material being transmitted on the Internet. Considering the difficulties with international boundaries, a licensing system faces many obvious practical hurdles" (Hodson). As described by Hodson, "Any good Computer Science graduate can create a completely secure encryption system for concealment purposes. The material can even be disguised, for example hidden 'inside' a perfectly innocuous picture" (Hodson). Therefore, if a person wants to publish offensive material, he/she can design a formula to change the material with respect to a key, and secretly tell other users what the key is. In this way, they can retrieve the same material and pass through the government censorship.
While people are concerned about Internet pornography, it should be recognized that pornography is sometimes legal; for example, pornography is leg...

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