Why Is Free Trade Important

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Keeping the U.S. economy on top provides the ability to be more innovative. I believe increased trade will spur greater economic growth, improve the overall standard of living, and provide U.S. consumers with better products. If the economic growth and free trade are kept it can improve Americans workers especially in service and goods. These innovations benefit America as a whole and can create the opportunity of better paying jobs and higher standards of living because of the advancements the U.S. has. U.S. workers would benefit from keeping the U.S. economy on top by keeping free trade because free trade helps them maintain jobs, create more jobs, and gain higher paying jobs. It also creates higher standards of living. Free trade is not …show more content…

The United States should use foreign aid and trade benefits to reward poor, developing countries that follow free-trade policies. Free trade will give rise to an international system in which all countries have an interest in maintaining peace,stability, and worldwide economic growth. Promoting more open trade with Mexico and other U.S. neighbors to the south will reduce poverty in Latin America, ease the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, and expand the market for U.S. goods. Free trade allows for countries to become allies with each other and benefit from trade and economic growth while supporting each other financially, medically, and in times a war. As long as everyone is allies, nobody will want to start a war against any specific country without knowing the consequences if they do. The U.S. does a good job staying at the top of this trade network because we trade with a vast majority of people around the world so much. The U.S. does a great job of this with many countries such as Canada, Mexico, China, and the Europe. This could result in …show more content…

trade interests, especially with respect to China and other key trading partners. The free, open competition of the marketplace will sharpen the efficiency of U.S. industry and encourage innovation. The more money the U.S. makes from free trade can be put into worker safety and environmental standards. Also there wouldn't be very many pressures from developing countries because while the already developed countries continue to grow from trade, the developing countries will still end up developing slower that the advanced ones.Developing countries would have increased access to trade and wealth with the U.S. having free trade which will lead to them developing a lot faster than they are right now while increasing their economy. Free trade also would increase peace between the developed countries such as China, Russia, and Europe. This would increase productivity and wealth due to money not having to be spent on war and fighting with other nations. As participants in the world’s most productive, innovative economy, the great majority of people in the United States benefit from the expansion of free trade. U.S. leaders must base the country’s trade policy on promoting the overall health of the U.S. economy,not on helping special interests. U.S. leadership in championing free trade is essential to maintaining the United States’ broader international role as a force for democracy and the rule of

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