Why Is Curley's Wife Unhappy

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Being unhappy and feeling alone in life can drive people to do things that will help fill the emptiness they feel. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, each individual character has a motivation for their actions. Throughout the novel, Curley’s wife always craves attention and wants someone to talk to because Curley neglects her. She flirts with the other men and always runs from Curley. Near the end of the novel, Curley’s wife comes into the barn where Lennie is, to talk to him. Lennie is reluctant to speak to her because George has told him not to because she causes trouble between Curley and the men. Despite this, Curley’s wife still persists, and continues to talk to him. She says, “‘...Why can’t I talk to you [Lennie]?

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