Why Is Autozone Immune To Economic Downturns

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Autozone is not immune to economic downturns. Any changes to the strategic plan would result on revenues for all parties involved. As mentioned previously, the effects of an economic reduction would result in an economic downturn. For example, high gas price and other increases in consumer responsibilities will result in vehicle product purchases decreased (Autozone, inc,2017). Autozone, inc provides strategic planning that may result in economic downturns. FoR this reason it is important that management is strategically flexible and reviews of strategic plan is required. Situational changes for weather conditions and other issues that occur out of the firm's control, once adjustments are made and normalcy occurs, sales would once again increase. …show more content…

Autozone capitalizes on the growing segment by increasing customer loyalty. Autozone makes all new hires undergo extensive training (Autozone, inc, 2017). The business would like to see every employee become knowledgeable of the company’s product in hopes that the employee provides that best customer retail services in the

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