Why I Want To Pursue A Degree In Biomedical Science

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Biomedical Science is the broadest and most powerful area of medical related modern sciences, from identifying the cure of infectious diseases that could wipe out humanity to choosing the colour of the eyes of a newborn baby. It has the power to determine crucial treatments for patients, which involves a high scientific responsibility and dedication. It requires technical ability with an open mind for problem solving, as well as a depth of knowledge of many biological and chemical principles.
My first approach to biomedical science was at the age of 12 when I became really interested in human biology; the basic functions I learnt in school encouraged me to research and find out more. Overhearing terms in medical movies or TV series, such as ‘myoclonic spasms’ in an episode of ‘House M.D’ led to fascination and further reading about the nervous system. I then went on to discover more about the immune system and different organ systems in my studies. …show more content…

Then I came to the UK, aged 15, for a better education, but having to take my GCSEs in less than a year of arriving here, in a language I was not yet confident in, meant I did not get the grades I had hoped for. Despite facing all these difficulties, I progressed to level 3 BTEC in Applied Sciences which gave me a good grounding in technical lab skills and one year later to college where I took an Access to Higher Education course covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This has helped me develop my independent study skills, team work and research

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