Why I Want To Live In America Essay

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Millions of people around the world dream of living in the US. Many of these people desire to live in America for one simple reason: freedom of speech. A large percentage of the world lives in nations where the concept of freedom of speech is very alien to them. The idea itself is so foreign to them, it leaves them in awe that there even exists a nation where one could say whatever he or she wanted (and be protected by the law!). The citizens of America can say whatever they want (without the fear of the government coming in and arresting them) because they are protected by the law of the land, which grants its citizens the right to free speech (freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws). However, in many places around the world—like China, North Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, etc.—the citizens of these nations can be tortured, imprisoned, jailed and even murdered for expressing their opinions or beliefs, in public or even in the confines of their own home. Therefore, America is truly the greatest nation in the world because she offers all her citizens freedom of …show more content…

My parents came as refugees to this great nation (the greatest nation, in my opinion) because they were fleeing the tyrannical government of the former Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a place where the individual was controlled by the state from childbirth until one took his or her last breath. Everything a person said was monitored, controlled, manipulated, and, quite simply, the individual was made to bend to the will of the state. My parents knew nothing about the idea of freedom of speech. They had heard of America and her greatness, but they never dreamed they would immigrate to this incredible, freedom-loving

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